In our own words: Breaking The Bias
Article Insight08 March, 2022, Posted by: Sharon Crain
On this International Women’s Day 2022, we reflect on the opportunities to act, to improve our post-pandemic workplaces, and remove bias for the benefit of everyone. While it is known that women around the world…

Winning the War for Talent
Article06 June, 2021, Posted by: Sharon Crain
The rapid economic recovery in Australia is a welcome relief from what many were predicting to be a protracted period of hardship after the pandemic. Job advertisements are at record levels, unemployment is continuing to…

IWD 2021 is here…
Article07 March, 2021, Posted by: Sharon Crain
The theme for International Women’s Day this year is ‘Choose to Challenge’; one that reinforces how important it is that women (and men) continue to challenge the gender barriers and inequalities that remain entrenched in…

#IWD2021 – Are you ready to challenge?
Article01 February, 2021, Posted by: Sharon Crain
With International Women’s Day just around the corner, it’s worth a moment of reflection. This year’s theme is #ChooseToChallenge, meaning that without challenge, it can be hard to change anything. And we still need change….

Women in IT – Progress? What progress?
Article02 December, 2020, Posted by: Sharon Crain
With a spotlight well and truly on female participation in the workforce, particularly in industries like IT where they have been under-represented, you’d be forgiven for thinking that things might be significantly better compare to…

The “Pink Recession” and Budget 2020-21
Article07 October, 2020, Posted by: Sharon Crain
In the past few months, thanks to COVID19, we have seen a significant and unwelcome increase in unemployment. In particular, women appear to have been affected disproportionately with women losing their jobs at a rate…

Three important factors to consider
Article08 March, 2020, Posted by: Jamie Crain
Three important factors to consider when choosing a recruitment agency to share your resume with. Celebrating International Women’s Day and #Balanceforbetter, for all the incredible, talented women considering their next role, this blog is to…

A great example of excellent female leadership
Article02 October, 2017, Posted by: Jamie Crain
Nothing I’m going to highlight in this piece is exclusive to a specific gender. Yet when bundled together, the small of stature example of brilliant leadership I met recently was undeniably feminine. It reminded me…